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Cookie Policy

1. How We Use Cookies:

Cypherswift uses cookies for a variety of purposes, which are detailed below. Note that there are no standard options for disabling cookies. If you want to do so, you need to turn off the features they add to our site completely. We recommend that you leave all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or if they are used to provide a service that you use.

2. The Cookies We Have Set

If you connect with us, we will create cookies to manage your general information. These cookies will usually be deleted after you go. however, in some cases, they may remain afterward to remember your site preferences when you move away

3. Email newsletters-related cookies:

Cypherswift offers newsletter or email subscription services. Cookies are used to remember if you are already registered and if the site should give information that might only be valid for subscribed/unsubscribed users.

4. Forms related cookies:

Cookies may be set when you submit data to us through a form on our contact page. They remember the user's details for future correspondence.

5. Essential cookies and scripts:

Essential cookies and scripts are essential for the Cypherswift website to function. They allow users to navigate the website and use its basic features, including access to secure areas, opening navigation, and showing content.

6. Major Purpose of Cookies Set by Us:

We have set a number of essential cookies for various reasons. These include:

  • Static file delivery
  • Web page delivery
  • Support chat
  • Session management
  • Language detection
  • Marketing
  • Marketing tracking
  • Session analytics